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Monday, March 3, 2025

Time Flies

 I promised myself that I would write and post my weekly blog every Saturday evening.  Well, here it is Monday afternoon and I am just getting it done.  Time just seems to be speeding by without having to do very much.

The weather this past week - we have seen wind, and cool, and hot.  It is windy and dusty today but there is a promise of nice mild temperatures with minimum wind - our favourite weather of course.

This week we celebrated a couple of birthdays.  Marleen's brother and sister-in-law came for a few days and it was Melinda's birthday so of course, a celebration.  Then we celebrated Gary's birthday so naturally, more cake and visiting.

Whenever one is RV'ing, there is always a great chance that something needs to be fixed.  Well, this past week it was happening.  We had a water heater problem so after a diagnosis and some pondering, Gerry ran a new wire, and voila - we have hot water.

We have no idea of the problem this fellow had but we think he must have been part gumby as he twisted himself into the bay of his fifth wheel.

Then we have Gary who is always working on a project.  He always has a new idea on how something should work better which he will thoroughly research and without a doubt, he will be able to complete the task to his specifications.  Of course, the rest of us just get to sit around and enjoy the afternoon.

It has been terribly dry here so there are not many flowers other than the odd plant in town, but we enjoy them where ever they are.  This ocotillo is fascinating as it looks totally dead other than the flowers - not a leaf to be seen.

And of course, some folks have a real imagination for  what to put in their front years.

Before we head out we visited a date farm to buy our annual supply of dates.  Here were some just ready to be picked.

This next week will be a short week as I promise to do my writing Saturday evening.  We are also planning on going somewhere down the road so will likely be writing from another spot.  Hope you all have a great rest of the week!!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Winds of Change

 This past week we have certainly felt a change in the weather - temperatures of 25 - 27C, less wind (less dust in the air) - feels like a lovely summer day.  With this great weather, not too much is happening.  It's too warm to do much in the way of chores, and too nice not to just enjoy.

We still try to walk daily and very often we see some unusual, and/or interesting things.  One day we came across a Free Little Library.  There are many of these little libraries, much like we see at home; however, this particular one was definitely unique.  It looks like it was made from several old coffee or end tables.  Take a look at the top of the top cupboard (table) - there is a bumper on the corner which I expect was to avoid bumping your head while looking inside.  Inside was a little container with candy and suckers inside, and outside a lovely park bench so you could sit while you chose a book.

I am not sure about this photo - I was wondering if perhaps it is in lieu of a regular bus spot as we know it.  It didn't look particularly comfortable.

Tonight was another launch from SpaceX in California.  Since we can watch the launch online, we were able to follow it in hopes of a repeat of the last time we saw one.  This time, though, we are quite a long way away and all we could see was a large speck in the sky with a contrail.  The other problem was it was not totally dark so it wasn't nearly as visible.

This is not Gerry supervising a couple weird folks.  He is really just watching our friend Marleen, and her neighbour Gene, work on sanding a dining room table.  I look forward to seeing this project progress.

But we did get to see this great sunset earlier this week.  We often get to see some amazing sunsets.  I'm guessing that dust in the air greatly contributes to these.

Last week I wished for warmer weather back home.  Well, it seems that it has arrived and I imagine it is none too soon for everyone.  Enjoy the temperatures and until next week, take care.