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Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Next Stop

Last weekend it was on to a new address, and we are now at our friend's (Gary and Marleen) lot in Fortuna Foothills (eastern side of Yuma) where we will be moochdocking until after Christmas.  Some of you may be wondering whatever is moochdocking.  Well, according to Google "it is also known as driveway surfing; moochdocking is a lot like couch surfing in your RV. Basically, you park on someone’s driveway or land, and you camp there".  I love the term but I especially love the opportunity to be able to have a great visit.

First thing that we had to do was grocery shopping as our cupboards certainly resembled Mother Hubbard's cupboards.  Yuma has always been pretty reasonable regarding the price of groceries.  Well, those days are over.  The regular price of large eggs is $5.79 ($8.05 Cdn) although I did get some on sale for $3.29 ($4.57 Cdn).  Poultry is still very reasonable in comparison to home prices but many things are quite pricey - even fruits and vegetables that are grown in the USA and/or locally.

Every day seems to fly by with preparations and planning for Christmas.    Marleen and I have planning - thank goodness for Pinterest.  We have been so busy that even our daily walks have had to take a back seat - I expect the goodies from Christmas will give us some extra incentive!  We did take in a couple of walks and we came across an interesting cactus.  I believe it is an Organ Pipe Cactus but it seems to have become rather hairy - perhaps that was in anticipation of colder weather. 

Speaking of colder weather, the nights have been quite chilly.  There have been several mornings where there was frost on the pumpkin (so to speak).  The roof of the Jeep did have frost on it several times.

The highlight of the week was the celebration of Gerry's 80th birthday.  It was pretty low key but we did have pizza and cake and he received a couple of gag gifts so had a few laughs. 

Since he has become a member of the octogenarian club, afternoon routines are not very demanding!!

It was also time for myself to get a new look so off to the beauty salon I went.  I was in bad need of a haircut - I will see how I like it in a day or so.

As this week draws to a close, the days have been cool and the nights have been cold.  There is a promise of warmer weather around the corner so hopefully that will be the case.

Thanks for stopping by, thanks for your comments and I hope you will be back next week.  Until then, have a great week and stay healthy.


  1. Belated happy birthday, Gerry from one of your much younger friends....just hoping you can still climb into the driver's seat for many years to come. You look great reclining in the easy chair. Cheers, Dorothy (Vern).

  2. Merry Christmas and happy belated birthday
