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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Why No More


It was moving week again.  Once again it was time to pack up and move to a new address – fortunately, we need less than an hour to get this job done so not a big deal!

We started the week by doing a bit of exploring to see where the road went.  We found that we were simply able to circle back and come back home.  But we do wonder why, or what happened, when we came across this grave marker just out in the middle of……

Then our friend, Gary, stopped by.  We were at his place in Yuma and when an order still hadn’t arrived when we left, he delivered it.  Bless his heart because, he not only delivered the part, he also helped install it and help come to a solution so it would stop blowing fuses.

Then it was time to move on and we decided to try a new location north-west of Tucson.  It is called cactus forest and it is incredibly beautiful as there is a lot of different trees and shrubs and particularly, cacti.  When we arrived we unhooked and went scouting but not a spot was open.  There was one unit in a large area at the entrance and we asked if they would mind if we parked there for the night and it was no problem.  The next morning we went for a walk and sure enough, someone had moved and it is likely the nicest spot in the area.  It is interesting how people come and go.  This morning when we went for a walk, there were very few units left, and tonight, spots are at a premium.

The view outside our door

The other side

Across the road tucked under a tree

The other day we went for a drive and again checking to see where the various roads lead to and we came across a mystery.  There was stuff strewn all of the place, a tent was kind of standing.  I don’t know if some of it was garbage but there was a lot of new items – such as a case of Starbucks Iced Coffee, a case of coke, coolers that looked fairly new (from a distance), a case of tuna, and so on.  We wonder what in the world that was all about, and why.

The temperature yesterday and today (and tomorrow) was at 34*C ( 93*F), and 7% humidity, so it is hot although with a bit of a breeze it is quite bearable in the shade.  In fact we shampooed our carpet today and it sure did dry fast.  Fortunately, the nights cool down quite nicely.

It has been a while since the sunsets have been spectacular but the past couple of evenings, they are back.

I hope you have a great week, so until  next week, may the sun shine upon you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that looks amazing and the campsite agree a little weird. Glad you two are seeing it all. Someones Birthday is coming up soon. Take care and enjoy yourselves
